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The Chamber Music Journal
The Chamber Music Journal is published by The Cobbett Association and is the only periodical devoted exclusively to non-standard, rare or unknown chamber music of merit. (i.e., not Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms etc.). In less than 10 years, it has become one of the leading chamber music reference sources and has begun to achieve the kind of influence that Schumann's Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung once had during the 19th Century. Since the first issue, articles have appeared in The Chamber Music Journal with information that has been published nowhere else-- For example, the critically acclaimed 13 part series, the only study anywhere in any language, of the 36 string quartets of the important 19th Century French composer George Onslow.
Other issues have
featured in-depth articles on the chamber music of Borodin, Respighi,
Saint Saens, the piano trios of Richard Strauss, the chamber music of
the Terezin Composers, Joseph Rheinberger, Eric Zeisel, Max Bruch, Willem Pijper,
Zdenek Fibich, Glazunov, Edmund
Rubbra, Luigi Cherubini, Wilhelm Stenhammar and many more. Players,
performers, listeners and scholars cannot find this information anywhere
Regular features include a listing of new CDs as well as a section entitled Diskology which is devoted to in depth CD reviews. But these are not your typical record review. They are not devoted to the performers or the performance since in most cases there are no other performances of the works being reviewed. Rather, these are highly informative reviews about the music and the composer. We are now pleased to offer soundbites of the most recent reviews.